The Journey Continue (Part 2)

Title : Revolve Lil' Calamaro!
Author : Mr. Kounna
Type : Series
Disclaimer : We own the plot

A cloudy Sunday is what greets the team. Will it perhaps rain again?

With renowned vigor, the team sets out to the track. No one could have predicted anything that could go wrong. As soon as the door is opened, the team gasps at the condition of the paddock. It seems the dry ice kept under the display table caused a small explosion. The box keeping the dry ice stock to be used for the engine cooling is damaged, but no serious damage was observed.

As fast as lightning, the team cleans up the mess around the display table before getting ready for the race. But again, today, they are getting antsy. Something might go wrong.

Looking forward, the team with Calamaro R2 continues getting prepared for the big race that will end the weekend at MIMC. Final setups were done, and with the final signal from the race marshal, Calamaro R2 is pushed to the starting grid.

With butterflies in stomach, the driver keeps a level head for the sake of the team and Calamaro R2. As soon as the organizers do the flag off, Calamaro R2 smoothly dashes away from the grid along with other competitors.

With the target of the longest distance around the track, the driver, Amirul Ashraff sticks to the planned strategy. Great control of Calamaro R2 is the key, and the buggy happily helps in ensuring the smooth run around the track.

1 lap, 2 laps and 3 laps…

Everything seems to be working smooth; there is still fuel for Calamaro R2 to move around gaily. Cheers from supporters and crowd alike rouses the car’s enthusiasm to move forward even more.

Alas, no one could have stopped fate. The car stopped after travelling more than 7 kilometers. Amirul Ashraff still tries to push the car further, and Calamaro never disappoints. It moves slowly close to a hundred meters before it went still.

Disappointments can be seen clearly in each and every faces of the team members. Silently Calamaro R2 sits by the tarmac track as the other team cars roll by.

Still, the team keeps being positive and awaited the award ceremony in the afternoon. Calamaro R2 is driven back into the pit for the final time. Close to two hours later, the team and Calamaro R2 go to the grand stand, awaiting the final results.

Pure disappointments fill the hearts of the young engineers to be. The team only manages to bring home the Time Attack trophy. Sadness fills the paddock after the award ceremony. High expectations bring the whole team to a devastating blow in the end. The team was not ready for such loss, but after a few motivational words passed around, they rise up and stand tall again.

“There will always be something new to learn, and a chance for the new team to shine next year” Calamaro R2 would have said these soothing words. But just being there silently already made the team proud. Praises were given still for the outstanding car performance during the Time Attack run.

“Superb handling”

“Little body roll”

Calamaro R2 smiles a small smile as the team tidy up the place to go back home.
Perhaps next year will be a turning leaf for the team from UTM.

Perhaps next year, Calamaro R2 will rise over the rest.

“That’s a new promise, and I will ensure that I delivers better” the car whispers as it is being towed away from the track.

The setting sun symbolizes the new promise made by not only the small car that still shines in its own way, but also the future engineers that might be there for Calamaro next year.


Look.Think.Move Forward Beyond Others

The Journey Continue (Part 1)

Title : Revolve Lil Calamaro! 
Author : Mr. Kounna
Type : Series 
Disclaimer : We own the plot

Time flies by for the little buggy. Its heart is now alive, with the original electronic control unit.
Calamaro is a bit sad it could not have a taste of the renowned ECU named HALTECH. But it is alright, Calamaro still want to fight to the last fuel.
“My promise, I will make sure I will do my best. The team shall not face anything like last year” whispers the little car as it is driven fast around the testing field.
Calamaro R2, as it is named, with new body, chassis and refreshed system. Its focus? Win the Perodua Eco-Challenge 2012. It is the last promise it made when it went home as the champ of Engineering Category in 2011. So it never realizes anything happening around as the event gets closer.
Calamaro R2 never realizes when there were a few complications with the body. It strives for excellence. It wants to deliver what it can. Calamaro R2 wants to be together with the new team, FORTECH and fight to the last lap.
Wind buzzes around it. Calamaro R2 then realizes that it is not in the Auto Lab anymore. It is not even in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. “Where am I?”
If the car can grin, it would. Strapped to the back of a towing truck, wrapped carefully with covers, Calamaro R2 is on its way to Melaka International Motorsports Circuits.
“Tomorrow is the start of the new day.”
Calamaro R2 went through inspections, and final touches to finish the car before it can be tested for the challenges set up for the event.
It works together with the driver it chosen, and blurs through the Time Attack course. Calamaro R2 roars happily that evening of July 13th. It manages to set the fastest time during the trial. As it rests in the paddock, the team closes the door and walks back to the chalet they are staying in with gleeful faces. Big hopes are set. Saturday, July 14th will be something to behold.
Thunder rumbles in the sky not so far from the race track. Hearts are unsettled. Worried faces filled the paddock. The buggy car would have hugged the whole team if it could, but it sits quietly. It wants to be ready for the big challenge. It aims to be the fastest again today on the track. No matter what happens.
The dark clouds get nearer, and the thunder rumbles louder accompanied with flashes of lightning. Wind picks up around the track as the team continues to ensure the little bugger is ready for the Time Attack race.

Big drops of rain hit the tarmac. The team by then are ready, motivated as the little Calamaro sitting in the middle of them is. Huddled together in the paddock, they motivated themselves more as the heavy rain pours around the area. The race is postponed until the rain settles it seems.
Prayers were answered. The rain stops completely at about an hour later, with sun slowly shining over the parting clouds. The team cheers and starts to get ready along with Calamaro R2. As soon as the organizers give the signal, the car is pushed to the starting point.
As it strolled besides the grand stand, supporters alongside the people present cheers the fastest car on the course so far. Big smiles accompany the faces of the driver and the team. Secretly, if only anyone could have look closer, they might have realized the smile on the little happy car ready for any challenge set in front of it.
The first car to start the challenge and Calamaro R2 revs happily.
And Amirul Mulia, the driver that managed to made Calamaro’s day brighter yesterday, floors the pedal.
Off it goes, around the course as fast as it was during the trial.
Red flag is raised!
“WHAT?” is chorused around the grand stand.
It seems Calamaro R2 fails to be reversed correctly into the slot at the last section of the course.
Still, Amirul Mulia never gives up and pushes the car to its limit through the last section and over the finishing line.
The time set is 1 minute 2 seconds (1:02.0), which is 8 seconds faster than yesterday’s record breaking time. But with the added two penalties, Calamaro vows to not do any mistakes in the remaining two runs.
Second run, blurry Calamaro R2 is adamant to push itself harder than before. Amirul Mulia ensures that. 1 minutes and 10 seconds is the time set this round, and still its not enough for the fired up buggy car named Calamaro R2.
Third and final run at last. The roaring engine of Calamaro R2 fills the track. Time seems slow to the driver as he maneuver the little agile car around the course and across the finish line.
Time set?
1 minutes…
And three seconds!
At the end of the challenge, Calamaro R2 emerges as the official winner for the Time Attack Challenge. Again the faces of the team members are filled with happiness and eagerness for the next day as they get Calamaro R2 ready. The door slides close and the little car takes its rest for the day.
“Wonder what is in store for me tomorrow?” it whispers in the dark paddock.

Look.Think.Move Forward Beyond Others

Story of Calamaro

Title : Lil’ Journey 'Calamaro'
Author : Mr. Kounna  
Type : Series
Disclaimer : We own the plot
A/N : It's not really beta-ed.  

660 centimeter cube (cc) or 0.66 liters is how big the heart of the little car born in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM Skudai.

The engine that creates the power to give life to the car comes from a Perodua Viva, a national car product of Perodua.

This is the life, the story of the little buggy car named Calamaro.

The year 2011 marked the start of the life of Calamaro. A team of young future engineers got together and started laying out ideas, drafting the plans for the 660 cc engine given by Perodua. Engineering knowledge was utilized, and teamwork was ensured in the small family of young engineers to be.

From the small petrol based engine that became the heart of the Calamaro, the team worked to ensure a working car to come out of their working base in UTM. Slowly, the engine is engineered to have working shafts and wheels, in summary a working mechanical and electrical system for the car to work.

It was June 26, 2011. Scorching sun accompanied the preparation of Calamaro and its team at Melaka International Motorsports Circuit or MIMC. There were no signs of clouds in the sky making the temperature of the track slightly unbearable. It seemed to be a challenging day for the little Calamaro.

Noon arrived, and final settings of the car were done before it was wheeled out onto the starting grid. With a light fiber glass body, and light steel structure, Calamaro got ready to be in action. The hot sun was burning the other cars on the track; along with their drivers but it never stopped Calamaro with the only female driver to be looking ferocious.


The other cars zoomed past Calamaro, leaving it behind. The team, called Forward or FWD team, rushed to the silent Calamaro at the starting grid. Panic aroused in the team, as Calamaro stayed unmoving and silent. Few trials to start the engine failed. Calamaro continued to stay stationary, silent amidst the light sounds of the other 660 cc engine brethrens.

An electrical glitch, preventing the engine from giving life to the little Calamaro was identified. Team FWD worked on fixing the problem, just to give Calamaro a chance to give chase to the other cars that were already passing by it for a few laps.

And Calamaro left the starting grid even as the other cars already has started to use their fuel completely and stranded on the side of the track. Quietly, Calamaro went round the track and proved itself to be a car that is able to move forward amidst the numerous challenges. Alas, fate proves to be against the strong willed Calamaro. Time limit was reached, and it was only able to go for a couple of laps around the MIMC track.

Devastated, Calamaro entered the pit. Team FWD accepted the turn of events wholeheartedly, tears accompanied the return of the silent Calamaro into the pit. But to the shock of many, the hard work of Team FWD in engineering Calamaro was rewarded in 1st place for the engineering category. Tears of devastation were turned into tears of joy. Calamaro, the hand work of the team, was overjoyed even if no one was able to see it.

It’s hope? In 2012, it will be able to compete again.

And this time, Calamaro R2 will get away from the starting grid and go round the track along with the other 660cc powered cars.

Calamaro R2 aimed to be better.

“2012.. I’ll be there” was the whispers of Calamaro at the end of the race day. The whispers were carried away by the wind, marking the determination and hope of Calamaro to be evolved into something better. And Calamaro depends heavily on the handiwork of the next team in line, so it will be able to perform for the sake of the team’s success.


The year 2012; is a year to perhaps turn over a new leaf for Calamaro. For about 8 months it sits quietly in the Automotive Development Center, UTM Skudai. It waits for the next generation of engineers to take over and bring the best out of it.

March 2012.

The team is constructed from scratch, taking in experienced members from 2011’s FWD team to be mixed with fresh bloods from the engineering course. Calamaro’s heart continues to rest, until someone can pump it full with life again. A week into March, Calamaro was being sought upon by the new team, FORTECH. A revolution of FWD, in hopes of learning from past mistakes and be better for the sake of Calamaro R2.

The 660cc engine was assembled carefully, and life was given by the engine department. They worked in improving the heart of Calamaro, before it can be mounted onto the new structure of the revolutionized version of Calamaro. Numerous studies were conducted in order to understand the way Calamaro’s engine work.

The correct engine settings were determined, and engineering analyses were conducted to ensure the best performance can be extracted. Calamaro R2 waits quietly in the shadows as its heart is given life to. Again, the engine is ensured to have working wheels attached. The whole system is ensured to be working perfectly this time with the correct engineering knowledge, and proper engine settings.

Without proper structure that builds the chassis, the engine of Calamaro R2 might never be able to move and be free at last. Made from mild steel, it has the rigidity needed for the structure of Calamaro R2. The strength and durability of the structure ensures Calamaro R2’s life to be long lasting. Every single parts or systems that helps in ensuring Calamaro R2 is able to work perfectly depends heavily on the strong structure, and thus it will create a stable chassis for Calamaro R2.

As the heart of the revolutionized Calamaro is being tweaked upon to make it give a good life, suspensions and brakes are mounted onto the structure. Good handling of Calamaro R2 is ensured with these systems of a double wishbone suspensions and also great braking system with energy saver tires from Michelin.

It seems Calamaro R2 is eager to get onto the track. With rack and pinion steering system, Calamaro R2 blurs out of the ADC, and went around the campus. The car was quick and nimble. As it goes around, the body shell continues to be fabricated. Made from fiber glass, the body is light and strong, able to withstand forces without being too heavy. With a design of a calamari as before, the body was constructed accordingly to fit into the structure of Calamaro R2 perfectly.

Calamaro R2.

Theme of red, white and black is still hold this year.

What’s this? Calamaro R2 seems to be smiling big.

A proper interior design accompanies the car. Snug fit carpet that covers the metal floor, soft padded walls at the sides, insulated firewall at the back of the driver to separate the cockpit from the engine compartment, and even a dash panel with aesthetics value.

So all in all, Calamaro R2 is grinning from suspension arm to suspension arm. Well, not like it has ears for starters.

Wonder what this year’s competition has in store for our little buggy car, Calamaro R2?

Tomorrow’s the race day for time attack category. And Sunday comes the longest distant challenge.

Perhaps, we can all gather at MIMC and see what Calamaro R2 has to offer to us, shall we?

“See you guys there”, the whispers whooshes around as Calamaro R2 zoom away to MIMC.

p.s: This is our first story of calamaro. Hopefully you guys will like it. Feel free to leave your comments so we know your thought.

Look.Think.Move Forward Beyond Others

Launching and Post Launch Event

On 8th July 2012, FORTECH launched their Calamaro R2 at U Mall, Pulai Utama, Skudai, Johor. The launching ceremony started at 11 am and ended at 12 pm. We were honored to have our Deputy Vice Chancellor, Dr. Tajuddin Ninggal and representative from U Mall, En.Nazlin to inaugurate our launching ceremony. Besides, our respective advisors and team members are majority present as well so as to take pleasure in this event. The moment we launched our Calamaro R2, it was indeed a great success for us as we able to attract the public to join and witness our ceremony together. Every one of us including the public was so proud of ourselves and Calamaro R2. 

            After the launching ceremony, we move on to our post-launch event. This event started at 12 pm and ended at 5 pm. In this session, we conducted around five activities to promote our team and product to the public as well as collecting feedback from the audiences. One of the activities was collecting signature and word of spirits from the audiences. This was done by providing a small card for each of them to write before we hang it on our spirit tree. Also, we approached the public with an I Pad and laptop to ask them if they could put a LIKE on our Facebook fan page. Undoubtedly, brochures and flyers were distributed along the event. The most interesting activity was balloons gave away. It was attractive enough as majority customers in U Mall are family units. Hence, by targeting their children, we were able to target their parents as well. We made them stopped by our booth with balloons and Calamaro R2 as the attraction points. Some of the audiences even showed their support by shouting our slogan. To collect the feedback, we get to approach some customers to fill in our questionnaires.

            The whole event was awesome and we managed to achieve our objectives wonderfully. Now, we are preparing ourselves for our final battle at MIMC on 14th July 2012. Hopefully, with all the supports from Johorians, we can complete the challenge with triumph. For more recent news, please follow up with our twitters or fan page. 


Look.Think.Move Forward Beyond Others

Update from Perodua 2.0

120704 Perodua Eco Challenge 2012 -  Shell Scheme for Marketing

Salam and good afternoon,

Dear all,

Please find attached shell scheme for marketing challenge materials.
The board is located under a main tent. Your presentation will be at a close tent.

Size is 2.0mX2.0m. (slight change)

Kintan Azura Yusuff
Corporate Communications Dept
03-6733 8888 ext 3810

120704 Perodua Eco Challenge 2012 -  Itinerary For Dinner

Please find itinerary for dinner.

Venue is at Melaka Ballroom, Equatorial Hotel, Melaka.
Theme : white and blue denim
Food : Nyonya Food

*we will show your TV ad during dinner.

Kintan Azura Yusuff
Corporate Communications Dept
03-6733 8888 ext 3810

120703 Perodua Eco Challenge 2012 -  Final Itinerary 

Salam and good afternoon,

Dear all,

This is the final itinerary for Perodua Eco Challenge 2012. CM has agreed to officiate our program of the day.
All cars are required to be at MIMC on 12/7 after 5pm. If you wish to send in cars earlier , please call me.
Please be informed that for our welcome dinner, the theme is ?white and blue denim?. (no torn jeans, no round neck t-shirts). 

Food will be provided for all 3 days. On 15/7, food will be provided to 110 pax each team inclusive engineering and marketing team.

Kintan Azura Yusuff
Corporate Communications Dept
03-6733 8888 ext 3810

Look.Think.Move Forward Beyond Others



Calamaro R2 is a product specially designed by Fortech UTM for Perodua Eco-Challenge 2012 which will be held from13-15th July at Melaka International Motorsport Circuit (MIMC). Feel free to visit our blog and fan page for further information^^

In conjunction with the official launching of Calamaro R2, we would like to share our pride through this contest.

Simple ways to be our winner:
Step 1: LIKE our fan page
Step 2: SHARE this post on your wall (remember to make the share public)

Competition will be closed on 13th July 2012 (12:00 Noon). We'll pick the winner at random and announce it in our fan page - good luck!

Look.Think.Move Forward Beyond Others


120702 FORTECH Confirmed Launching Date and Place for CalamaroR2

FORTECH had confirmed the date and place for launching their car " CalamaroR2". The launching event will be held on July 8, 2012 (Sunday) at ground floor U-Mall Pulai Utama, Skudai Johor. The launching is expected to be held on at 11am. Besides, Marketing and Promotion Team will also hosted a number of activities such as collecting signature and word of spirits, walking mascot and etc to outreach to public about FORTECH and CalamaroR2. 

A big thanks goes to the BCB Management Sdn.Bhd for allowing us to use the space for the launch of CalamaroR2. 

Come and support us during that day. See you there!!

Look.Think.Move Forward Beyond Others

Comeback Teasers Photo

120704 Double post 

120107 2nd Comeback Teaser Photo of CalamaroR2

120630 FORTECH Reveals 1st Comeback Teaser Photo of CalamaroR2

FORTECH's CalamaroR2 release if finally a reality

Fans will not have to wait too much time to see the car on the track. FORTECH has presented the 1st  comeback teaser of the car. This time the teaser present a strength and eager concept compared to last year. This year, FORTECH will return with a brand new technology. 

Stay tuned for the next teasers!

Look.Think.Move Forward Beyond Others

Update from Perodua 1.0

120626 Perodua Eco Challenge 2012 -  Marketing Challenge

Salam and good morning,

We would like to share with you on the presentation format as attached.
This could assist you on your final presentation on 14/7.

Please find details below:
1. You will be presenting inside a marquee tent (air conditioned).
2. We will provide laptop, AV system and laser pointer for your presentation.
3. You will be given 15 + 5 (Q&A) mins to present.
4. There is display area for your presentation. Board size is 2.5X2m. You have to use double sided tape/ blue tack to display your presentation. This is for public. Display area is different from mechanical team.
5. You have to email your presentation and TVC/Radio ad to by 10 July 2012. Please send in 16X9 format. (video).
6. Rehearsal is on 13 July. Please refer to program attached.
7. All members are required to attend the welcome dinner. We will play your TV commercial during dinner.

Marketing Challenge Judging Criteria

Kintan Azura Yusuff
Corporate Communications Dept
03-6733 8888 ext 3810

120626 Perodua Eco Challenge 2012 - Paddock Sequence

Salam and good morning,
Dear all members,

Please find attached file for the paddock sequence.
This also apply to the marketing presentation, except UiTM will be presenting last. (students having exam on the day).
For the longest distance category, pole position will be determine based on your time attack result.
Thank you.

Kintan Azura Yusuff
Corporate Communications Dept

Look.Think.Move Forward Beyond Others


Location: Meeting Room
Attendance: 1 Engineer and 3 Executive Marketing

Credit to Anderson
Location : Dewan Sultan Iskandar, UTM
Programme : One Day Event
Activity : Collecting signature to support FORTECH team

Location : U-Mall, Pulai Utama
Programme : Launching of Calamaro R2

 Cartoonist : Hasanah (Unit Multimedia, FORTECH)

Look.Think.Move Forward Beyond Others

FORTECH 'One Day Event'

Vice Chancellor of UTM
On Monday, 4th June 2012, we held a promotion booth at Dewan Sultan Iskandar in UTM. This booth aimed at raising budget through T-Shirt selling and gaining popularity among UTM community. Also, this booth was organized and conducted by the marketing team themselves. They wanted to boost the reputation of Fortech to the highest and succeed the below-line advertising. The booth was started from 8am until 2pm.
            Basically, the target customers were all UTM staff who worked under various departments of UTM. Throughout the event, we were so honored to acquire the visit from Vice Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Ir. Dr Zaini bin Ujang and Deputy Vice Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Mohd Tajuddin bin Hj. Ninggal. They have left their signature and words of spirit to us so as to motivate our team. Of course, other than our VC and DVC, we also expose this promotion to as much customers as we can. Eventually, we were so glad that we managed to secure a few potential sponsors who were willing to sponsor our team.

Deputy Vice Chancellor of UTM
Besides, we have also raised more supporters to join us in July’s competition. They were so enthusiastic in supporting our team and gave us a lot of words of spirits. Thanks to all the support given because we are now more confident and well-prepared to grab the champion of the competition.   

Look.Think.Move Forward Beyond Others

Perodua Progress Visit

On Friday, 1st June 2012, Perodua sent their representatives to visit our team in UTM for a progressiveness check. This visit comprised of Perodua representatives, Dean and advisors of both FKM and FPPSM together with their respective team members. The Perodua team was made up by three engineers and three marketing officers. Right at 10 am, we welcomed them at the meeting room of FKM.
Puan Sulasi Hj. Mahadi
              Head Brand Management of Perodua
Basically, the visit was done in two sessions. First session was conducted in the meeting room and it was a presentation regarding car design and business plan. The presentation was done by the respective head of departments. Then, the visit proceeded to session two where it was conducted at the automotive lab at P21. Session two was mainly involving the manufacturing of the car itself. Therefore, three engineer representatives went to P21 together with our mechanical team while the other three marketing officers stayed at the meeting room with our marketing team. We were so glad that Puan Sulasi, one of the marketing officers so passionate in guiding us on the proper marketing skills. Also, she solved most of our enquiries and welcomed any other enquiries in future. A great token of appreciation to her.
En.Hasrol, Engineer of Perodua
In the end, both teams were delighted as the representatives from Perodua were satisfied with our progress and ideas. Hopefully with all the efforts putting in, we are able to gain the best result during the competition.

Look.Think.Move Forward Beyond Others

Fortech Family Gathering

On 24th May 2012, Fortech team had organized the team building event to closer the team member’s relationship. This event is the first ever event that been held since this team has been created. The event is been held at Dewan Seminar, Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, UTM Johor. The event is been started with dinner that not been held as the usual dinner, but the different concept is been used that is by eating in the ‘talam’ that is eating by using the ‘big plate’.    By using this way of dinner, the ‘big plate’ is not been eat by one person, but it need to be share with the friends from three to five persons for each ‘talam’. 
This situation will create the felt of togetherness among the team members. After having dinner, we are doing the ice breaking session since we are come from different faculty and courses. All of the members are been group into four and do the ice breaking by using the concept of ‘aku adalah botol air’. By using this concept, all of the members have to introduce themselves in their group while holding the water bottle. Besides, each groups also had to form the alphabet and number by using the string that been tight both at the end of the string. The other activity is drawing our car for this competition that is the Calamaro R2 by using both the right and left hand to show that at the end of the day, togetherness is been need in order to achieve the goal. 
At the end of the event, the engineering department supervisor, Dr Shuisima give us the motivation advice to us so as to put more effort in this competition.  The activities end at 10 p.m. with all of the members’ together sing the Standing in The Eyes of the World song to inject the spirit of togetherness to give the best effort in this competition. Hopefully this event will give the impact to each of the team members.   

Look.Think.Move Forward Beyond Others

Pre-Launch Calamaro R2

Professor Madya Dr. Pakharuddin
Head Department of FKM
On 7th May 2012, UTM FORTECH team has conducted their Calamaro R2 pre-launch at Padang Kawad UTM in conjunction with UTM’s Convocation. This event has been officially inaugurated by Head Department of Mechanical Engineering: Profesor Madya Dr Pakharuddin bin Mohd Samin and Deputy Academic Dean of Faculty of Management and Human Resource Development: Profesor Madya Dr Khalil bin Md Noor. Meanwhile, the event has also been lighted up by the attendance by Dr. Mohd Kamil bin Abdul Hamid and Dr. Mohd Shuisma bin Mohd Ismail who are the PEC advisors from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Dr. Ungku Norulkamar bt Ungku Ahmad and En. Mohamed Fuad bin Ahmad who are the PEC advisors from Faculty of Management and Human Resource Development. The event was held right at 11 o’clock in the morning and was witnessed by the whole PEC team. Words of spirit were delivered by Profesor Madya Dr Pakharuddin bin Mohd Samin and Profesor Madya Dr Khalil bin Md Noor so as to boost the team’s motivation. 

Professor Madya Dr. Khalil
Deputy Academic Dean of FPPSM
In PEC 2012, UTM PEC 2012 who also known as FORTECH will be wagering on  their Calamaro R2 to win the champion. Calamaro R2 is a car manufactured by the undergraduates from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in UTM. It is a modification and improvement from the previous car, Calamaro which has championed the Engineering and Design categories and a second runner-up in Distance category during PEC 2011. As in 2012, PEC will be held from 13 to 15 July at Melaka International Motorsports Circuit (MIMC). This year, two new categories are introduced: Time Attack Test and Marketing Presentation that involved undergraduates from Faculty of Management and Human Resource Development. In a word, two faculties have now come to a consensus and are determined to win this challenge.       


Look.Think.Move Forward Beyond Others

Organization Profile

Team Name :

Team Logo :

Meanings of the Logo :

Represents Forward Technology

Represents our three tag line words "Look.Think.Move"

Combination of the letter F and the number 3 creates a letter B. This signifies our desire to move forward together beyond others
Red : Evokes the strength and eagerness to  move forward
Black : Emphasizes our determination to do work smartly
White : Indicates our empathy towards each other

Team Tag Line : 
Look.Think.Move Forward Beyond Others

Car Concept : 
Prototype 1-Seated Vehicle

Car's Name :
Calamaro R2

Look.Think.Move Forward Beyond Others

PERODUA Eco-Challenge 2011


Perodua Eco-Challenge (PEC) 2011 is a challenge for students from various institutions of higher learning to design and develop a car using an engine and transmission system provided to them by Perodua Sdn Bhd. A total of 13 institutions of higher learning, including Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, had participated in the challenge and had competed in three different categories which are (1) Longest Distance with only half a litre of Petrol, (2) Engineering, and (3) Design & Participation. Each participants were given RM17,500 as their development funds to build the car. The participants have to work in a time frame of three months to build their car’s chassis, engine modification, body and other systems in order to compete in the race.

UTM team was represented by 4 advisors and 35 students from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, with majority of the students are from the Automotive programme, while the rest are from Mechanical, Manufacturing, and Industrial Design.


  • To provide a training ground for undergraduates to challenge their engineering skills and to spur the essence of innovation and creativity among local students.
  • Initiative to challenge institutions' engineering prowess and innovation.
  • Benefits of fuel saving.
  • Part of Perodua's Corporate Responsibility programme


UTM, with our vehicle called “UTM-Calamaro” (as shown in Figure 2 and 3), had become the Champion for Engineering Category and Second Runner Up for Design & Participation Category, with winning prize of RM16,000 in total.

Click here for more photos

Look.Think.Move Forward Beyond Others

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