Story of Calamaro

Title : Lil’ Journey 'Calamaro'
Author : Mr. Kounna  
Type : Series
Disclaimer : We own the plot
A/N : It's not really beta-ed.  

660 centimeter cube (cc) or 0.66 liters is how big the heart of the little car born in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM Skudai.

The engine that creates the power to give life to the car comes from a Perodua Viva, a national car product of Perodua.

This is the life, the story of the little buggy car named Calamaro.

The year 2011 marked the start of the life of Calamaro. A team of young future engineers got together and started laying out ideas, drafting the plans for the 660 cc engine given by Perodua. Engineering knowledge was utilized, and teamwork was ensured in the small family of young engineers to be.

From the small petrol based engine that became the heart of the Calamaro, the team worked to ensure a working car to come out of their working base in UTM. Slowly, the engine is engineered to have working shafts and wheels, in summary a working mechanical and electrical system for the car to work.

It was June 26, 2011. Scorching sun accompanied the preparation of Calamaro and its team at Melaka International Motorsports Circuit or MIMC. There were no signs of clouds in the sky making the temperature of the track slightly unbearable. It seemed to be a challenging day for the little Calamaro.

Noon arrived, and final settings of the car were done before it was wheeled out onto the starting grid. With a light fiber glass body, and light steel structure, Calamaro got ready to be in action. The hot sun was burning the other cars on the track; along with their drivers but it never stopped Calamaro with the only female driver to be looking ferocious.


The other cars zoomed past Calamaro, leaving it behind. The team, called Forward or FWD team, rushed to the silent Calamaro at the starting grid. Panic aroused in the team, as Calamaro stayed unmoving and silent. Few trials to start the engine failed. Calamaro continued to stay stationary, silent amidst the light sounds of the other 660 cc engine brethrens.

An electrical glitch, preventing the engine from giving life to the little Calamaro was identified. Team FWD worked on fixing the problem, just to give Calamaro a chance to give chase to the other cars that were already passing by it for a few laps.

And Calamaro left the starting grid even as the other cars already has started to use their fuel completely and stranded on the side of the track. Quietly, Calamaro went round the track and proved itself to be a car that is able to move forward amidst the numerous challenges. Alas, fate proves to be against the strong willed Calamaro. Time limit was reached, and it was only able to go for a couple of laps around the MIMC track.

Devastated, Calamaro entered the pit. Team FWD accepted the turn of events wholeheartedly, tears accompanied the return of the silent Calamaro into the pit. But to the shock of many, the hard work of Team FWD in engineering Calamaro was rewarded in 1st place for the engineering category. Tears of devastation were turned into tears of joy. Calamaro, the hand work of the team, was overjoyed even if no one was able to see it.

It’s hope? In 2012, it will be able to compete again.

And this time, Calamaro R2 will get away from the starting grid and go round the track along with the other 660cc powered cars.

Calamaro R2 aimed to be better.

“2012.. I’ll be there” was the whispers of Calamaro at the end of the race day. The whispers were carried away by the wind, marking the determination and hope of Calamaro to be evolved into something better. And Calamaro depends heavily on the handiwork of the next team in line, so it will be able to perform for the sake of the team’s success.


The year 2012; is a year to perhaps turn over a new leaf for Calamaro. For about 8 months it sits quietly in the Automotive Development Center, UTM Skudai. It waits for the next generation of engineers to take over and bring the best out of it.

March 2012.

The team is constructed from scratch, taking in experienced members from 2011’s FWD team to be mixed with fresh bloods from the engineering course. Calamaro’s heart continues to rest, until someone can pump it full with life again. A week into March, Calamaro was being sought upon by the new team, FORTECH. A revolution of FWD, in hopes of learning from past mistakes and be better for the sake of Calamaro R2.

The 660cc engine was assembled carefully, and life was given by the engine department. They worked in improving the heart of Calamaro, before it can be mounted onto the new structure of the revolutionized version of Calamaro. Numerous studies were conducted in order to understand the way Calamaro’s engine work.

The correct engine settings were determined, and engineering analyses were conducted to ensure the best performance can be extracted. Calamaro R2 waits quietly in the shadows as its heart is given life to. Again, the engine is ensured to have working wheels attached. The whole system is ensured to be working perfectly this time with the correct engineering knowledge, and proper engine settings.

Without proper structure that builds the chassis, the engine of Calamaro R2 might never be able to move and be free at last. Made from mild steel, it has the rigidity needed for the structure of Calamaro R2. The strength and durability of the structure ensures Calamaro R2’s life to be long lasting. Every single parts or systems that helps in ensuring Calamaro R2 is able to work perfectly depends heavily on the strong structure, and thus it will create a stable chassis for Calamaro R2.

As the heart of the revolutionized Calamaro is being tweaked upon to make it give a good life, suspensions and brakes are mounted onto the structure. Good handling of Calamaro R2 is ensured with these systems of a double wishbone suspensions and also great braking system with energy saver tires from Michelin.

It seems Calamaro R2 is eager to get onto the track. With rack and pinion steering system, Calamaro R2 blurs out of the ADC, and went around the campus. The car was quick and nimble. As it goes around, the body shell continues to be fabricated. Made from fiber glass, the body is light and strong, able to withstand forces without being too heavy. With a design of a calamari as before, the body was constructed accordingly to fit into the structure of Calamaro R2 perfectly.

Calamaro R2.

Theme of red, white and black is still hold this year.

What’s this? Calamaro R2 seems to be smiling big.

A proper interior design accompanies the car. Snug fit carpet that covers the metal floor, soft padded walls at the sides, insulated firewall at the back of the driver to separate the cockpit from the engine compartment, and even a dash panel with aesthetics value.

So all in all, Calamaro R2 is grinning from suspension arm to suspension arm. Well, not like it has ears for starters.

Wonder what this year’s competition has in store for our little buggy car, Calamaro R2?

Tomorrow’s the race day for time attack category. And Sunday comes the longest distant challenge.

Perhaps, we can all gather at MIMC and see what Calamaro R2 has to offer to us, shall we?

“See you guys there”, the whispers whooshes around as Calamaro R2 zoom away to MIMC.

p.s: This is our first story of calamaro. Hopefully you guys will like it. Feel free to leave your comments so we know your thought.

Look.Think.Move Forward Beyond Others

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