The Journey Continue (Part 1)

Title : Revolve Lil Calamaro! 
Author : Mr. Kounna
Type : Series 
Disclaimer : We own the plot

Time flies by for the little buggy. Its heart is now alive, with the original electronic control unit.
Calamaro is a bit sad it could not have a taste of the renowned ECU named HALTECH. But it is alright, Calamaro still want to fight to the last fuel.
“My promise, I will make sure I will do my best. The team shall not face anything like last year” whispers the little car as it is driven fast around the testing field.
Calamaro R2, as it is named, with new body, chassis and refreshed system. Its focus? Win the Perodua Eco-Challenge 2012. It is the last promise it made when it went home as the champ of Engineering Category in 2011. So it never realizes anything happening around as the event gets closer.
Calamaro R2 never realizes when there were a few complications with the body. It strives for excellence. It wants to deliver what it can. Calamaro R2 wants to be together with the new team, FORTECH and fight to the last lap.
Wind buzzes around it. Calamaro R2 then realizes that it is not in the Auto Lab anymore. It is not even in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. “Where am I?”
If the car can grin, it would. Strapped to the back of a towing truck, wrapped carefully with covers, Calamaro R2 is on its way to Melaka International Motorsports Circuits.
“Tomorrow is the start of the new day.”
Calamaro R2 went through inspections, and final touches to finish the car before it can be tested for the challenges set up for the event.
It works together with the driver it chosen, and blurs through the Time Attack course. Calamaro R2 roars happily that evening of July 13th. It manages to set the fastest time during the trial. As it rests in the paddock, the team closes the door and walks back to the chalet they are staying in with gleeful faces. Big hopes are set. Saturday, July 14th will be something to behold.
Thunder rumbles in the sky not so far from the race track. Hearts are unsettled. Worried faces filled the paddock. The buggy car would have hugged the whole team if it could, but it sits quietly. It wants to be ready for the big challenge. It aims to be the fastest again today on the track. No matter what happens.
The dark clouds get nearer, and the thunder rumbles louder accompanied with flashes of lightning. Wind picks up around the track as the team continues to ensure the little bugger is ready for the Time Attack race.

Big drops of rain hit the tarmac. The team by then are ready, motivated as the little Calamaro sitting in the middle of them is. Huddled together in the paddock, they motivated themselves more as the heavy rain pours around the area. The race is postponed until the rain settles it seems.
Prayers were answered. The rain stops completely at about an hour later, with sun slowly shining over the parting clouds. The team cheers and starts to get ready along with Calamaro R2. As soon as the organizers give the signal, the car is pushed to the starting point.
As it strolled besides the grand stand, supporters alongside the people present cheers the fastest car on the course so far. Big smiles accompany the faces of the driver and the team. Secretly, if only anyone could have look closer, they might have realized the smile on the little happy car ready for any challenge set in front of it.
The first car to start the challenge and Calamaro R2 revs happily.
And Amirul Mulia, the driver that managed to made Calamaro’s day brighter yesterday, floors the pedal.
Off it goes, around the course as fast as it was during the trial.
Red flag is raised!
“WHAT?” is chorused around the grand stand.
It seems Calamaro R2 fails to be reversed correctly into the slot at the last section of the course.
Still, Amirul Mulia never gives up and pushes the car to its limit through the last section and over the finishing line.
The time set is 1 minute 2 seconds (1:02.0), which is 8 seconds faster than yesterday’s record breaking time. But with the added two penalties, Calamaro vows to not do any mistakes in the remaining two runs.
Second run, blurry Calamaro R2 is adamant to push itself harder than before. Amirul Mulia ensures that. 1 minutes and 10 seconds is the time set this round, and still its not enough for the fired up buggy car named Calamaro R2.
Third and final run at last. The roaring engine of Calamaro R2 fills the track. Time seems slow to the driver as he maneuver the little agile car around the course and across the finish line.
Time set?
1 minutes…
And three seconds!
At the end of the challenge, Calamaro R2 emerges as the official winner for the Time Attack Challenge. Again the faces of the team members are filled with happiness and eagerness for the next day as they get Calamaro R2 ready. The door slides close and the little car takes its rest for the day.
“Wonder what is in store for me tomorrow?” it whispers in the dark paddock.

Look.Think.Move Forward Beyond Others

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